Good reproduction is key in management and the engine that powers a program. Simply stated, the number of deer coming into the herd will determine the number YOU can take out. The reproductive rate is the number of fawns per...
Recently, a frustrated hunter called to bemoan his lack of success and said to me, “If you had to hunt a ‘natural’ deer herd like the one I hunt, you wouldn’t have all those big bucks on your wall.”Tip 1:...
Tip 2: How much can management improve a deer herd? A bunch! In serious nutritional programs, particularly those built around year-round food plots, we’ve seen deer numbers increase by two or threefold and the average mature buck add as much...
Can management really improve your hunting? Yes…and like a well-stocked cafeteria, there’s something in it for everyone!Tip 1: At one end of the management spectrum are the simple things, like holding off on young bucks or shooting does to keep...
Food Plots Have Become The Hot Topic In Deer Management, But Do Plots Really Work And How Do Plots Stack Up To Natural Habitat Management And Direct Feeding? Let’s See.The latest buzz in the deer-hunting world seems to revolve around...
I’m often asked by people who want to start a food plot program, “How many acres of food plots do I need and how many plots?” Of course, the answers will depend on your particular situation, but some general guidelines...
Tecomate’s tried and true Deer Pea Plus is a proven winner in summer nutrition for your deer herd. This great combination of our two best big-seeded peas along with forage soybeans creates an un-matched base for this nutritious and extremely attractive blend....
Tecomate Strut Zone is the only perennial food plot mix on the market that is specifically formulated for wild turkeys. This mix is loaded with specific grasses and broadleaves that turkeys are highly attracted too. The special blend of clovers...
Tecomate’s New Horn-Maker Xtreme is the most innovative warm season food plot blend on the market, combining Sunn Hemp with a forage soybean and two of the fastest growing forage cowpeas. Sunn Hemp’s fast growing, high production qualities provide the perfect cover...
Tecomate Sunn Hemp is an excellent choice for warm season food plot planting and a superior source for antler growing protein. This super fast growing tropical legume can get as tall as 6 feet in only 60 days. This is...
"TWA is proud to announce its newest corporate partner, Tecomate Wildlife Systems. Based in San Antonio, Texas, and being the leader in food plot based nutritional management for white-tailed deer, current TWA members can receive 10% off select seed blend...
I live in a region of the north east USA (eastern shore of Maryland) that has a high deer population and despite management efforts to the best of our ability our regional deer population is quite challenging to keep up...
s you may know, venturing out into the field can bring unexpected surprises. Recently on a trip to Alabama, I was reminded of this very truth.The purpose of my trip was to visit with customers, dealers and other knowledgeable industry...
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) has a wide range of programs to allow wildlife managers to increase the value of their property and the wildlife which call it home. There are a few that you should be really interested...
This story actually begins back in 1988. That was the year I first became aware of the Quality Deer Management Association (QDMA). I immediately joined, no doubt becoming one of the first members of the organization from the state of Iowa.My membership...
Big bucks and long beards have always been a passion of Mark Newell, owner and operator of Newell Wildlife Services. Fueled by this passion, Mark pursued a degree in wildlife biology to further study the critters he loves to hunt....
Data is one word that can make or break your management program. It’s the Achilles’ heel of managing anything from warehouse inventory to your deer camp. Just as in anything in life, if you put garbage in, you get garbage...
It’s been extremely dry this summer here in the Midwest and over the last few weeks I’ve had several customers and friends ask about what this means for Fall Food Plots. The perception has been perhaps it may not even...
It’s August as I type this article and it’s hot and dry across much of the whitetail’s range. Although it’s not the only time we should be concerned with water availability on our properties it’s certainly the most obvious time....
Last month, we discussed site selection, soil types and determining your soil fertility when planting Tecomate seed products. In this article, we will cover fertility and inoculation, land preparation, weed control and planting information.Fertility and InoculationOnce you know your soil’s...
A newborn fawn is defenseless, immobile, and left isolated by its mother except for a two to three brief encounters per day for nursing. These factors combine to make fawns very vulnerable to a variety of death-causing disturbances early in...