Food Plot Management RSS

White-tailed deer eat a wide variety of plants depending upon the time of year and which region of Texas they inhabit. In fact, one food habits’ study conducted at the Rob and Bessie Welder Wildlife Refuge, located north of Sinton...
Seasonal Nutritional Needs of the Whitetail
In order to formulate a nutritional strategy (plan) for whitetails, it is necessary to know their seasonal nutritional needs. Biologists and scientists can get into tedious detail on this subject, but from the game manager’s standpoint, it’s really quite simple.From...
Increasing Your Successfulness in Harvesting a Mature Buck on a Small Property
Reality. Life. Whatever you want to call it, it has definitely found its way into my world this year. Up until this year I have always had a work schedule that was flexible enough that I could take off when...
The Nuts and Bolts of Food-Source Management
Simple is always best. And as we look at the nuts and bolts of food-source management, I hope and believe that you’ll think the whole thing is simple, perhaps even obvious. If so, then it’s got a chance of flying...
Keys to Planting & Growing Quality Food Plots
Food plots are like many other things in life – you get out of them what you put into them. True, you can haphazardly scratch out a food plot and attract a few deer, but for really good plots, the...
It All Starts, When it Ends: Considering Winter and Spring Nutrition while Planting Fall Hunting Plo
A high quality food plot program does not start or end. It’s a year-round effort, and with some planning you can ensure your short-term objectives are met at the same time you achieve long-term nutrition and attraction goals. I’ve made...
The Perfect, Private, and Plain Hunting Plot
One late afternoon in central Mississippi I was sitting in one of my favorite food plots hidden deep in the pine jungles of leased timber company land. With less than thirty minutes of shooting light a group of does entered...
Creating Healthy Huntable Habitats in the South: Pine Plantations
There are two iconic pictures that always come to mind when thinking of the south: Elvis Presley and pine plantations. It is also ironic when thinking of these two that jungles come to mind: the jungle room in Elvis’ Graceland...
Best Choice for Perennial Plot
As a professional Land Manager I would have to say that across the board, the most frequent question I receive from future food plotters is “What’s the best choice for a perennial food plot?” To be quite honest, no matter how many...
The Magic Of Food
Ever wonder why the biggest bucks tend to live in our most productive agricultural regions, like the Midwest, Central Canada and the wonderfully productive irrigated alfalfa country of the Plains and Prairies and West. There are huge bucks in these...
What are the Potential Negatives of Supplemental Feeding? - Part V
Potential Negatives of Supplemental FeedingAlthough there are many positive aspects to a supplemental feeding program, there are also several potentially negative aspects. Thanks to researchers at the Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute at Texas A&M University-Kingsville, and cooperating landowners who...
Improving Nutrition
You’ve heard the saying, “You are what you eat.” Is that ever true in deer management! Poor food, poor deer – good food, good deer. It’s just that simple. No other area of deer management has the potential to make...
How To Improve Your Supplemental Feeding Program - Part IV
How Many Feeders Are Necessary?A recent study, by Marc Bartoskewitz and Dr. David Hewitt at Texas A&M University-Kingsville, answers this question better than any previous study. They examined supplemental feed use by free-ranging deer on three south Texas ranches with...
The Big 3 in Land Management for Deer
If the amount of deer sighting’s and harvests on your hunting property have progressively slowed over the years or dropped considerably in a short period of time, chances are your property is in need of a serious management evaluation. It...
What Is The Best Supplemental to Use In Your Supplemental Feeding Program - Part III
Manufactured Protein PelletsEasily the most common form of supplemental feed provided to deer is the manufactured protein pellet. Dozens of feed companies now manufacture their own varieties of deer pellets. No doubt deer pellets are being provided to deer in...
Is Supplemental Feeding Necessary for Fawn Production? - Part II
Does Supplemental Feeding Improve Fawn Production Or Survival?Supplemental feeding is mandatory if you wish to maximize the number of deer on your ranch. Fawn production and survival much like antler growth are directly related to nutrition. If nutrition is limiting...
Is Supplemental Feeding Necessary? - Part I
Supplemental feeding has never been more popular. There are now more ranches and more acres enrolled in supplemental feeding programs than at any other time in history! Look in any hunting magazine and you’ll find pages of advertisements for feeders,...
Whitetails and Water Guzzlers: Gaining control of whitetail hydration
Protein, digestible energy and minerals…every article in popular hunting magazines and on the web, addresses one or more of these key factors for maximizing the health of the deer you hunt. I agree that they are crucial for decorating your...
Why Management?
Hi, I’m David Morris. Are you tired of seeing mostly does and only the occasional buck … and then, he’s a little fellow? Are you interested in seeing more and bigger bucks WHERE YOU HUNT? If the answer is “YES,”...
Revolutionary New Era in Whitetail Management Is Here! - Part III
Part III - THE PRINCIPLES BEHIND THE CONCEPTNow, we’re going to get down to some of the nuts and bolts of nutritional side of food source management. We’re going to explain how and why it works, layout the seasonal nutritional...
Revolutionary New Era in Whitetail Management Is Here! - Part II
Part II - A NEW FRONTIER IN DEER MANAGEMENTLet’s now lay out the Tecomate Management Strategy and discuss its various aspects. Here’s the program in a nutshell: Provide attractive, highly nutritious, concentrated food sources, preferably through year-round agricultural plantings, for...