A sampling of 2008 Stealth Cam photos

A sampling of Stealth Cam photos so far from my El Cazador Ranch this year. Overall, the year looks pretty good, despite a very dry spring and early summer.

PIC0167 is an ancient old buck, appears 9.5 to 10.5 years old, probably in the 160s.

Buck PIC0292 appears to be a mid 160's 10-pointer with a forked G2 and at least 5 extra points around his brow tines - looks to score in the low 180s but I don't think he's old enough to shoot - maybe 5.5 years old.

I may go after buck PIC0050. I saw this buck 2 years ago when he was a 4.5-year-old, making him 6.5 now and a shooter candidate. Glad to see he's still around. Still got some velvet hanging. He's a typical 12-pointer with at least 10 scorable stickers - looks to score in the 180s.

PIC0012 is a 160-class 8-pointer. I included him just because I like him ... a lot!

Buck PIC0157 and 159 is a monster 4.5-year-old I know from last year, when he was the biggest 3.5 I've had on the ranch. My foreman, George, found both sheds, which grossed 169! These photos were taken late August 2008 with a month of antler growing time left. He a basic 10-pointer with a forked right G2. I think he'll gross well in the 180s and make the B&C record book. But, he's safe this year - too young.

PIC0039 - Two old dudes. The one on the left is probably a mid-160s buck. The other one looks to be a 150s. Both are at least 5.5 years old, maybe more.

PIC0105 - This a wide buck, probably 24 inside. He'll score in the high 160s.

Somewhere on my 3,000 acres, there should be at least 6-8 more 170-class bucks carried over from last year, plus some new ones added this year. More to come!

Posted by David Morris

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