food plot seed biologist Mark Newell with deer

How to Have the Best Food Plot Planting Season Possible

Hello friends and fellow food plotters, it is one of my favorite times of year: fall food plot planting season! I’m sure some of y’all have already planted and I wish you great success! However, for the folks who have not planted, I want to give you a bit of advice and a few tips for success in this year’s food plot planting season.

  1. Do It Right!

    Time is always an important hurdle to jump. Many times, plots are “planted” in a rush without proper prep work, which gives you a yield that is typically NOT desired. There are many planting techniques out there today, just make sure you take the time to do them correctly. Plan out enough time for seed tests, herbicide application, lime/fertilizer application, proper disking/harrowing, planting, and covering! Simply put, DO NOT do it halfway!” Taking your “time” will increase your odds for a good-looking food plot and increase your chances of taking a BIG buck this season.

  2. Get The Right Seed!

    There are lots of different seeds, varieties, and seed blends available. Make sure you do your research and put down the right product for your desired outcome. I could go down a long rabbit hole of all these options, but the main thing is finding a seed system that works for you and for your property. Once you figure out what you need to plant, make sure you get the best quality seed. There is a lot of “good stuff” on the market to choose from, but there is also a lot of “not so good.” Every year there are new seed companies that pop up promising great and amazing things. I’m not going to tell you who to go with, just make sure to source your seed from a reputable company.

  3. Get Your Seed Now!

    Don’t wait until the last minute to source your seed. I have been guilty of waiting until the last minute and having to use whatever is left over. Purchase your seed now, or as soon as it is available, so you can ensure you get what you planned for.

On behalf of the Tecomate Seed crew and The Bucks of Tecomate, we hope y’all have a great planting season followed by an even better hunting season! As always, please let us know if we can be of any assistance to make your hunting property all it can be!

God Bless and Happy Hunting,
Mark Newell
Tecomate Wildlife Biologist & Bucks of Tecomate Co-Host

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