The Indescribable Gift

Have you ever bought someone a gift that you could not describe to them? All you could say about it is that you are going to have to open it up to find out what it is. Or, have you ever gotten a gift from someone that was so great words could not express what that gift meant to you. I was able to hunt down an old Winchester shotgun one time that my dad always wanted. The look on his face was priceless when he opened it up during our family Christmas party. The only words he could say was, “Where did you find it?” and “Thank you.” I searched the internet, talked to some gun collectors that I knew, and finally found the gun dad had been looking for. This reminds me of a story told on a distant island one Christmas. A particular man put together a necklace made of a particular kind of sea shell and gave it to his wife for Christmas. When she opened the gift, tears of joy and amazement filled up within her. She knew that these shells were only found on the Northern most part of the island. She told her husband that, “You would have had to cross the deepest river, climb the tallest mountain, and track across the densest jungle to get to the shores where these shells are found.” The man simply answered, “Yes I know, you see the journey is part of the gift.”

II Corinthians 9:15 Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift.

When you think about the gift that God gave us it is truly unspeakable! How could one ever describe with words the love God has for us to give us such a gift? Think about the journey Jesus made in order to give us the gift of eternal life. He was sent down from heaven’s glory to earth’s gloom. He came to us 100% God and 100% human. He was born into this world in the lowliest conditions. He was raised up in a carpenter shop of all places. He was wrongfully imprisoned. He was nailed to a cross. He was laid into a tomb. However, He arose from the grave and is still alive today. He went on this great journey to bring us the everlasting gift of salvation. When you think about the Name of this gift it is also indescribable. The wonderful name of Jesus! It is the name that is above all names. Countless numbers of songs have been written about His name and none of them truly do Him justice. It is by the name of Jesus our churches are founded on. It is by the name of Jesus our prayers are sent up into heaven. It is by the name of Jesus that a lost soul can be saved. This unspeakable and indescribable gift has a name, the blessed name of Jesus.

Thanks to the Lord for sending us this wonderful gift that we will never be truly thankful for. As we all open our gifts this Christmas let us not forget the greatest gift that was given to us over 2,000 years ago. JESUS!

God Bless, Happy Hunting, and Have a Merry Christmas!!

Posted by Mark Newell

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