Storms of Life: Part 3

During the past couple of weeks we have looked at the nature and nurture of God to help us deal with the life storms that seem to blow onto our shores to often. According to scripture we learned that God is holy in everything that He sends our way or allows to come our way. Also according to scripture we know that God’s love is ever so present during these hard times even when we feel like He is far away.

Today I would like to look at another subject to close with on this topic of life’s heartaches. I am going to tell you the answer to the, “Why is this happening to me,” question. The simple answer is, Its Necessary! I know you are thinking, “You mean it is necessary for me to struggle and to suffer in these storms of life that God sends my way?” Yes! That is the simple answer, the more complex answer is found only when we can understand the plan and will that God has for our lives and for this world. The answer is poured out through His Holiness and through His Love.

You see it is necessary for these storms to come for His will to be done personally in our lives. It is necessary for these storms to come for His plan to be carried out for something much bigger than we can imagine. Which we may never know what the storm was for until long after it has left or even when we get to heaven. It is necessary for these storms to come for us to grow as Christians. There can never be a testimony without a test. Lastly, it is necessary for these storms to come for us to experience a closeness to God that we could never feel apart from a great tempest.

It is my prayer that knowing these storms are part of God’s design will help you cope with what may seem to be too harsh or unfair. Let me ask you this, was it fair for a man in his thirty’s to be found guilty of a crime that he did not commit and sentenced to be put to death immediately? This same man, who was sinless, was put on the cross and died for our sins so we could have ever lasting life. This was necessary for our salvation and was planned by God before the world was ever created. That same God who sent His only Son to the cross to pay our sin debt is the same God who sends the storms that affect your life. Just remember that when the next storm comes upon your shores. Remember that its winds will have a hint of holiness in the air; its rain will seem to flood you with love, and know that this storm was sent by a Great God with a purpose.

Now take your Bible and look up Psalms 107. Focus primarily on verses 23-31. The psalmist here is writing about a great storm that can be summed up by these words:
He who sends the Strom also sends the Still,
He who sends the Crisis also sends the Calm
He who sends the Problem also sends the Peace.

Our Lord in heaven is Holy in all that He does, that’s His Nature. Our Lord in heaven has a Love for us in all that He does, that’s His Nurture. Our Lord in heaven has a plan for us, as well as this world; that makes it Necessary for the Storms of Life to visit our shores.

Read this story about the storms of life that came upon this man’s shores and how God used the outcome to touch and is still touching a countless number of souls today:

Horatio Spafford was a devout Presbyterian businessman in Chicago. He enjoyed a close relationship with D.L. Moody and other Christian leaders of the time. During the Chicago Fire of 1871, Spafford lost a fortune in real estate. Just before this, he had suffered the tragic loss of his only son. Seeking some rest, and wanting to assist Moody in his evangelistic campaigns in Great Britain, Spafford booked passage a board a ship for Europe. A last-minute business development detained him so his wife set sail with their four daughters, with assurance that he would soon follow. On November 22 during a storm, the ship collided with another ship and sank in 12 minutes. All four Spafford kids drowned. Several days later when survivors had reached Wales, Mrs. Spafford wired her husband, “Saved Alone.” Spafford took the next ship and as he sailed past the spot where his children had died, God comforted him is a way he had never experienced before, In the midst of his terrible loss, God pored out love upon him reminding him of the eternal heavenly joy the had already been granted to each of his children. Spafford was inspired to write a poem that later became a hymn, entitled, It Is Well With My Soul.

When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.

It is well, with my soul,
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.

Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come,
Let this blest assurance control,
That Christ has regarded my helpless estate,
And hath shed His own blood for my soul.

It is well, with my soul,
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, it is well, with my soul

God Bless and Happy Hunting.

Posted by Mark Newell

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