Open Season

Here in Mississippi turkey season is in full swing. This is my favorite time of the year and you can bet that I will be wide open chasing turkeys till the season ends. However, no matter what game animal you enjoy hunting; they all must be hunted during a specific season. Spring turkey season across the nation is typically set during the months of March, April, and May. Whitetail deer season typically runs somewhere between September and January. Each state agency’s are responsible for setting the seasons for each and every game animal that is available to hunt. The days available to hunt in each of these seasons may change from year to year. These changes come from studies and surveys done by state agency biologists and staffers to better manage the wildlife animals we all love to hunt.

II Timothy 4:2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.

As Paul writes to young Timothy in this text he is simply encouraging him to spread God’s precious Word when times are good and when times are bad. He is telling him to scatter the Living Seed both: when conditions are delightful and when they are dreary, when circumstances are pleasant and when they are painful, when challenges are favorable and when they are failing, when confrontations are harmless and when they are harmful you are to share the Good News. I like to look at this text in this way: it is Open Season on spreading the Gospel for the Christian. There are no seasons, no limits, no specific hours, and no restrictions of any kind in telling the world about Jesus! Don’t look at proclaiming the Gospel as an obligated duty, which it is; however look at it as a privileged delight. In our county we as hunters have a great privilege in our hunting heritage, in which we find great pleasure in. As Christians we should view spreading the Gospel in the same way, but with no seasons to limit our efforts and endeavors.

Do you know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior today? He is the Messiah who came down from heaven as 100% God and 100% human. He came to live among us and die for us. He died on Calvary’s cross, was buried in a borrowed grave, and after three days arose from that grave. He is alive friends and wants to live in you! You were born into this world a sinner and it is only though Jesus that you can be saved! If Jesus is calling unto your heart today please say “Yes!” to Him today.

Christians it is Open Season on sowing God’s precious seed into the world today. There are no bounds to limit our privileged pleasurable pursuit in proclaiming the Gospel and testifying to His Glory. We are to be proudly open about our belief in the Lord, our stand for what the Bible says, and always be ready to publically make known these facts. The world is in desperate need of saving grace today, regardless if they admit to it or not. It is up to us to tell them about the One who can only give them that gift of saving grace. His name is Jesus! Proclaim His wonderful name today!
God Bless and Happy Hunting.

Posted by Mark Newell

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