Deal With It

Ephesians 4:26: Be angry, yet do not sin: do not let the sun go down on your anger.

Shooting a TV show on hunting mature whitetails is fraught with problems. Big bucks are hard enough to hunt when it’s just you and the only thing you’re focused on is finding a trophy and making the shot. Throw in a cameraman loaded down with cumbersome gear and the difficulty of scoring increases geometrically. If you are lucky enough to finally get a shooter buck in your sights, capturing that final climatic “moment of truth” on film is the “Holy Grail” of hunting shows. Missing the kill shot is the greatest no-no in outdoor TV. It cannot be recreated!

Recently, my relatively new cameraman (we’ll call him “Jim”) flat out missed a perfect opportunity after several days of hard work leading up to the final trigger squeeze. I lost it! I couldn’t believe all the planning, strategizing and effort leading up that near-perfect setup had all gone for naught! I unloaded my frustration on Jim, complete with “colorful” words I had not used in years.

Later that evening, still nursing disappointment, a Bible verse popped into mind, “Be angry, and yet do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger…, ” and another followed, “For if you forgive others for their transgressions, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.” I was flooded with conviction. I had refused to forgive Jim for an insignificant incident when God had forgiven me for countless and infinitely greater transgressions. I lost no time. I headed to Jim’s room and apologized and asked his forgiveness for my bad behavior. Jim was relieved. I was reminded…by grace alone God saved a sinner like me!

Posted by David Morris

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