Close Encounters: Part 9

Choices. We make hundreds if not thousands of them in a life time. Even in the hunting world we are faced with more decisions now than ever before. When I first started hunting there was really just one choice of camo and that was the basic military stuff. Now there are all kinds of camo brands to choose from with multiple patterns within each of those. Not to mention all of the other styles and brands of every other hunting accessory that is on the market today. Choices are a major part of life and it is important that we make the right choice no matter what category they are in.

Today’s devotion and outline is about one of the most faithful women of the Bible and one of her three close encounters that she had with Jesus. In this encounter we see Mary, Martha and Lazarus’ sister, sitting at the feet of Jesus instead of helping Martha with the food preparation. Jesus said that Mary’s choice of listening to His teaching was the better choice. Men, there is a lot we can learn from the choices that this woman, Mary, made. That should get an Amen from you ladies that are reading this. Each time we see her in the Bible, she is seen making the choice that pleases Christ the most. Something we all need to find ourselves doing.

Text: Luke 10:38-42 Now it came to pass, as they went, that he entered into a certain village: and a certain woman named Martha received him into her house. And she had a sister called Mary, which also sat at Jesus' feet, and heard his word. But Martha was cumbered about much serving, and came to him, and said, Lord, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? bid her therefore that she help me. And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things: But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.

Making the Best Choice

Mary made the best choice that pleased Jesus the most. Today we need to focus on making the best life choices that pleases our Lord the most. For any decision you have to make this year, make sure that pleasing God the most is at the center of your decision making process.

There are so many good choices to make in our life times. However, it is not always the good choices and the good decisions in life that please God. It is the best choices that we make that truly bring honor and glory to His name. Every person that has been saved by God’s grace is commanded and expected to “do good.” However, if you really want to be noticed by God then it is the best choices in life that gains heaven’s attention. So as servants of God let us all make a genuine effort to make the very best choices that please God the most this year.

I. One of the first choices you need to make in pleasing God the most are: Choices concerning your Family.
(Mary made a choice involving her Sister.)
A. Choices concerning Lordship & Loyalty. (Priority)
1. God is always First!
2. Family is always Second below God only.
3. Church is Third and so on.
B. Choices concerning Listening & Learning. (Privilege)
1. Listen to the Master.
2. Listen to your Mate.

II. One of the next choices you need to make in pleasing God the most are: Choices concerning your Activity.
(Mary made a choice involving her Sitting.)
A. Choices concerning your Spiritual Activities.
1. Studying and reading your Bible
2. Praying
a. Private and personal prayer.
b. Public prayer.
B. Choices concerning Secular Activities.
1. Entertainment Habits
a. Movies, Concerts, Ball game, and so on…
2. Enjoyable Hobbies
a. Hunting, Fishing, Golfing, and so on…

III. One other type of choices that you need to make in pleasing God the most are: Choices concerning your Responsibility.
(Mary made a choice involving her Service.)
A. Choices concerning your Work.
1. On a Secular Level. (Job related decisions.)
2. On a Spiritual Level. (Church or mission related decisions.)
B. Choices concerning your Witness.
1. Who and When to witness?
2. How to witness?

I hope these few things in this outline and devotion will help you with the everyday choices you have to make. However, if we would just sit at the feet of Jesus more that in itself will take care of many of those life choices. And remember, it is not just about making a good choice; it is about making the choice that pleasing God the most.

God Bless and Happy Hunting.

Posted by Mark Newell

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