What’s Next? The Hunts Begin!

On November 13, 2008, I start an almost non-stop marathon of hunts until December 21. (Believe me, I am not complaining – I’ve been waiting for this all year!) I start off in Miles City, Montana, hunting the Powder River with my old friend, Bill Perkins. What a place! This is one of the most enjoyable hunts of the year. Beautiful scenery, great folks and lots of good whitetails make southeastern Montana a joy to hunt. Plus, every hunting style imaginable is an option there. Last year, I hunted with Bill early in the season so I could also hunt antelope, a favorite. This year, I opted to hunt the rut in hopes of improving on the 160-class 14-pointer I shot there last October. That’s a tall order, though. The fact is 160-plus whitetails are pretty rare along the Powder River, but they are there and I’m going to try to find one. You can bet I’ll have my rattling “horns”. (Yeah, I know they’re antlers.) One of my favorite cameramen, Mason Gertz, will be along again this year. His first hunt ever with me was on the Powder River last year. Since then, he’s been behind the camera on many of my hunts. Mason, a Bigfork, Montana, native, is kind of like family since I watched him grow up and served in the same church with his wonderful mother and dad, Stephanie and Larry, during my 10 years as a Bigfork resident.

After Montana, I join up with Gary Schwarz, and we head straight to Illinois for a whitetail hunt with Illinois Extreme Whitetails. I am really looking forward to this hunt and spending time with our hosts, Carroll Berry, Bruce Steele and Robin Welch, all fellow Christians who share an appreciation for God’s creation and thankfulness for the privilege we have as stewards. This is going to be a BUSY few days because Gary and I will not only be hunting for The Bucks of Tecomate TV show, but , at the same time, we will also be hosting the third annual Versus Whitetail Challenge, which is sponsored by Tecomate! Hunting by day, hosting by night … guaranteed to be busy! Armed with our Knight Muzzleloaders, we will be hunting some of the best whitetail country in one of the best BIG BUCK states – Illinois. And anytime I hunt with Gary, I know it’s going to be exciting! Should be a wild time loaded with big buck stories. I’m betting Gary and I will come back from Illinois with a couple of the best shows of the year.

After Illinois, I head to my El Cazador Ranch for Thanksgiving with my family, hunting, of course. This is well before the rut and mature bucks will still be very hard to find. We’ll concentrate most of our efforts on shooting does and maybe a few cull bucks. Then, in early December, we’ll start our hunts on El Cazador for The Bucks of Tecomate shows. Plus, we’ll be shooting a couple of shows there for World of Beretta as well. But, there’ll be time enough to catch you up on all that when I get back from Illinois. I’ve posted some early Stealth Cam photos of a few bucks from El Cazador. Promises to be another great year in South Texas! Stay tuned – lots more to come …

Posted by David Morris

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