The Bucks of Tecomate 2009 Season Hunts - VII
Foxworthy’s Hog and Bull
I love hunting with Jeff Foxworthy! He has fun and sees to it that everybody around him does too. This year was no exception. Jeff’s hunt really had its beginning a few days before his arrival, when Gary Schwarz took his wife, Marlee, hunting for a giant buck called Flatliner on Tecomate Ranch. As luck would have it, the buck, which Gary had not seen all year, showed up on the food plot they were hunting. But because of a shift in wind direction, they had moved from the permanent blind they wanted to hunt and had set up an impromptu ground blind. Marlee didn’t have a good rest and wisely held off the shot. They tried again the next day, but the buck came into the plot too late for a shot. Marlee had to end her hunt and couldn’t return for a week. The next day, Jeff arrived to hunt El Tecomate Ranch with the greenlight from Gary to shoot any buck on the ranch ... except Flatliner, now Marlee’s deer.
Jeff started off hunting a buck one of the guides had recently seen that looked to be a shooter. On the first afternoon, he saw the target buck, and being the manager he is, Jeff realized the buck is only 4½ years old (too young) and passed on him, though he was a 160-class buck, certainly big enough to shoot. The next morning, Jeff went to a new stand and shot a monster wild boar, a real trophy.
In the meantime, on El Cazador Ranch, my daughter, Jennifer, saw a monster buck we dubbed "Stickers." I told Jeff he can go after him. In the course of hunting Stickers, Jeff saw several other good bucks, including a brute of a 10-pointer Jeff called "The Bull," which, after a great shot, ended up with a permanent home in Jeff’s trophy room. After hammering The Bull, Jeff had had a most memorable hunt, complete with lots of big bucks, but his hunt wasn’t quite over yet. Gary told Jeff that Marlee wanted him to go after Flatliner. With only one afternoon left, Gary and Jeff go after the for-sure record-book buck. A monster hog, The Bull and a hunt for a legendary buck ... you’ll have to watch the show to see how it all ends up.

Besides Marcus and Jeff, my old friend Glenn Garner, Jeff’s farm manager and close friend, brought his BowTech for another run at South Texas bowhunting ... from the ground. Glenn is as good a bowhunter as there is and was neck-deep in bucks and javelina, but as you’ll see on the show, big old South Texas bucks are not easy to get within bow range, especially when you’ve got to age and judge them before loosing an arrow. If anybody can do it, it’s Glenn, but even the best sometimes come up short against mature whitetails. Javelinas, however, didn’t fare so well.
More to come on The Bucks of Tecomate 2009 Season Hunts ...
I love hunting with Jeff Foxworthy! He has fun and sees to it that everybody around him does too. This year was no exception. Jeff’s hunt really had its beginning a few days before his arrival, when Gary Schwarz took his wife, Marlee, hunting for a giant buck called Flatliner on Tecomate Ranch. As luck would have it, the buck, which Gary had not seen all year, showed up on the food plot they were hunting. But because of a shift in wind direction, they had moved from the permanent blind they wanted to hunt and had set up an impromptu ground blind. Marlee didn’t have a good rest and wisely held off the shot. They tried again the next day, but the buck came into the plot too late for a shot. Marlee had to end her hunt and couldn’t return for a week. The next day, Jeff arrived to hunt El Tecomate Ranch with the greenlight from Gary to shoot any buck on the ranch ... except Flatliner, now Marlee’s deer.
Jeff started off hunting a buck one of the guides had recently seen that looked to be a shooter. On the first afternoon, he saw the target buck, and being the manager he is, Jeff realized the buck is only 4½ years old (too young) and passed on him, though he was a 160-class buck, certainly big enough to shoot. The next morning, Jeff went to a new stand and shot a monster wild boar, a real trophy.
In the meantime, on El Cazador Ranch, my daughter, Jennifer, saw a monster buck we dubbed "Stickers." I told Jeff he can go after him. In the course of hunting Stickers, Jeff saw several other good bucks, including a brute of a 10-pointer Jeff called "The Bull," which, after a great shot, ended up with a permanent home in Jeff’s trophy room. After hammering The Bull, Jeff had had a most memorable hunt, complete with lots of big bucks, but his hunt wasn’t quite over yet. Gary told Jeff that Marlee wanted him to go after Flatliner. With only one afternoon left, Gary and Jeff go after the for-sure record-book buck. A monster hog, The Bull and a hunt for a legendary buck ... you’ll have to watch the show to see how it all ends up.

Besides Marcus and Jeff, my old friend Glenn Garner, Jeff’s farm manager and close friend, brought his BowTech for another run at South Texas bowhunting ... from the ground. Glenn is as good a bowhunter as there is and was neck-deep in bucks and javelina, but as you’ll see on the show, big old South Texas bucks are not easy to get within bow range, especially when you’ve got to age and judge them before loosing an arrow. If anybody can do it, it’s Glenn, but even the best sometimes come up short against mature whitetails. Javelinas, however, didn’t fare so well.
More to come on The Bucks of Tecomate 2009 Season Hunts ...
Posted by David Morris
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